TechCrunch » First Screen Shots of Riya

This EXCITES me. It would be spectacular to take 20 Thousand plus pictures, Tag them AND make them searchable in a matter of hours. These guys are going to make millions.

TechCrunch » First Screen Shots of Riya:

Riya leverages potent facial and text recognition technology with an intelligent interface to help people make sense of the thousands of untitled and untagged photos that are building up on their hard drives (and on the web)…

The process starts with registration and choosing a privacy setting on your pictures. You then download a client application that uploads photos you choose to include in Riya. The actual uploading takes a while – about 4 hours for each GB of photos. Instead of waiting around, Riya will email you when the process is complete.

That’s when the fun starts. In my case about 400 pictures were uploaded. I was presented with a view of facial thumbnails of everyone in my photos. Riya asks that you begin to educate it by telling it who the people are…it then very quickly starts to auto-tag pictures with a surprising level of accuracy. Within moments I had a large percentage of my photos fully tagged with people’s names.

Riya also recognizes text in photos, and lets you select any area of a photo and tag that as well. For instance, you could select just the Eiffel Tower in a photo and tag it as such. Within moments, everything of importance in all of my photos was tagged. And more importantly,
it was searchable.

Thanks to TechCrunch for sharing!

Photo Printing at Flickr!

Look what popped up in my RSS feeds tonight on the Flickr Blog:


Over the last year, we’ve been asked 15,381 times, “How about printing? When are we going to get printing!?” Today we are happy to answer: “Today!” For now it is U.S. only (we know! we’re working hard on rolling it out everywhere!). You can order prints to be delivered by mail, or pick them up at your local Target store for one hour printing, even. In both cases, you get 10 free 4×6″ prints to get started.

Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida

Ft Lauderdale 1982

Ft Lauderdale 1982

I grew up in the South and had moved out West for several years. I had an opportunity while visiting my parents in Georgia to go visit friends living in Ft Lauderdale for a couple of days. Why not? Free place to stay, free food, an ex girlfriend to revisit, a couple of days in the sun. Worked for me! Go to the beach for the day? Nope. It’s Windy, Cloudy and Cold. Day after day. The day I am leaving I say the heck with it! I gotta go to the beach just to feel the sand, listen to the waves, and to smell the salt air. I show up to a deserted beach and a lone person stretching for their run.

Old Kodachrome 64 slide scanned with a cheap scanner. Sorry about the noise.

Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida

Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, originally uploaded by Rick.

Thank You Zenera for choosing to add me to Flickrzen! It is an Honor!

I grew up in the South and had moved out West for several years. I had an opportunity while visiting my parents in Georgia to go visit friends living in Ft Lauderdale for a couple of days. Why not? Free place to stay, free food, an ex girlfriend to revisit, a couple of days in the sun. Worked for me! Go to the beach for the day? Nope. It’s Windy, Cloudy and Cold. Day after day. The day I am leaving I say the heck with it! I gotta go to the beach just to feel the sand, listen to the waves, and to smell the salt air. I show up to a deserted beach and a lone person stretching for their run.

I took this picture the last time I stood on a beach…

24 years ago.

Old Kodachrome 64 slide scanned with a cheap scanner. Sorry about the noise.

National Geographic – WildCam AFRICA

National Geographic Magazine – WildCam AFRICA: National Geographic has a great webcam set up on an African watering hole. It’s great for viewing all kinds of wildlife in the middle of the night from Denver. It’s only up through the end of October because when the rainy season comes the wildlife aren’t forced to the hole. Kind of reminds me of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. I expect to hear a voice over from Marlon Perkins, in the safety of a Range Rover, sending Jim into the water to wrestle the crocodiles. The kids love it and it’s great for background viewing and listening. Thanks to Denise for sharing it with Margaret.


“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.”

Charles Swindoll

Live Deliberately

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Ralph Waldo Emerson