Maligne Lake Redux


One more of Maligne Lake Jasper National Park, Alberta. We had set up our tent in the dark the night before and this is the view we woke up to. I would have woken up sooner if we hadn’t drank so much O’Keefes Old Stock beer. Nikon FE, Kodachrome 64, and a cheap scanner.

Young Rams


These guys were as surprised to see me as I was to see them. After having lived every second of every day with another person for the prior 6 weeks, I needed to be alone and headed out by myself for the day. I was hiking the Avalanche Peak trail in Glacier Provincial Park in British Columbia. The most memorable part of the encounter was the color of their eyes. They were almost an alien orange, I thought they would be more black. If you click on the picture for a larger view, you can almost get a sense of what they were like. Again Nikon FE, Kodachrome 64, and a cheap scanner.

Sunwapta Falls Jasper, Alberta


**Update 2/16/2004-Thanks Bryan for leaving a comment and letting me know where I was 20+ years ago. Sunwapta Falls it is!!!**

For the life of me I cannot remember the name of these falls. You would think after 20 years it would still be clear as day. If you now the name leave a comment and help to save my sanity.

Again, Nikon FE, Kodachrome 64, and a cheap scanner.

River Canyon Jasper, Alberta


Jasper National Park. Jasper, Alberta 1984.

Shot with a Nikon FE on Kodachrome 64 and scanned with a cheap scanner. You know it’s old when your spellchecker has no suggestions for Kodachrome! The water color is actually pretty close to what I remember. The glacial melt runoff has a distinctive Blue Green opaqueness that is unique.

Maligne Lake Jasper, Alberta

Jasper Lake BC

Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta 1984

I found a bunch of great old Kodachrome 64 slides from a summer spent traveling in British Columbia and Western Alberta. Originally we were going to Alaska but BC and Alberta were absolutely spectacular. We always found something else that had to be done and we never made it to Alaska. All of the slides need a little work to restore the color, or I need to get a better scanner, but after 20+ years and moving a bazillion times I’m lucky to still have them. Great memories of a great summer. These were shot with my first 35mm Nikon FE Body, one of which I still own. The excitement of buying it in 1981 in West Yellowstone, MT, the glee I experienced when I got my first real film developed, is memorable to this day. I particularly enjoyed throwing my Kodak 110 Cartridge Camera (POS!) into the trashcan. For 5 months I roamed the length and breadth of British Columbia. To be young and carefree with no kids, no mortgage, lots of film, and no job. Aaaah! That was the life! Wait, I was miserable, lonely, and filled with the angst of youth. Nope, I think I’ll keep what I have. A great wife (most days) and two rockin kids that laugh everyday. Oh, don’t forget the dog and the mortgage!


Top of the Fifth

The Top of the 5th, that’s how long a 4 and half year old lasts at a Rockies Baseball game. A wad of Cotton Candy big enough to choke a man, small work for the dynamo. Chase it with a hot dog and wash it all down with a Sprite. Buuuurrrrppp! Good to go for the next hour and then BAM! The sugar wears off and he’s ready for a nap. Time to go home.

2-1 Daddy!

Dain playing Soccer

Who could believe that winning your first Soccer Game could make a kid so happy. I watched the little guy run around like a boy possessed, laughing and giggling the entire time. I always told myself that I would never be like all the friends I have had over the years that do nothing but talk about their kids. Little did I know, nor was I prepared for, the fact that raising and playing with your kids is most of what you do in a day. The most amazing thing is that it’s all I want to do. I never imagined that it could be so important to me. Simply by becoming a Parent I discovered what love and purpose where. I also discovered patience, exhaustion, control issues, how bad Poop stinks, that I am a night person, and how that doesn’t work when both of your kids are morning people. It doesn’t matter to them what time you go to bed, they are ready to go when the sun cracks the horizon. I especially like it when they come in and open all the shutters so the day can begin. Ready or not here it comes. I am especially proud of the fact that I accomplished something neither of my parents ever did…I watched my son play a soccer game. Dain, I promise that I will be at every game you play in your life with the exception of War or an Act of God. If I can be there, I will be.


Your Dad